Wednesday, March 2, 2011

He Jumps... SCORE!

Today I bring you a short post with this hilarious video:
That's right. A goddam bull just jumped over the stadium and decided to rampage around and hit a grandma. I hope I'm not the only one who sees this as funny. God I laugh every time I see it. 

Hope you enjoy

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  1. Haha that sucks for the people in the crowd.. awesome for those of us watching it at home.

  2. I've seen this before - it's awesome. I find it amazing that the bull was able to actually leap off the rail!

  3. This is so fun :D Lolled harder than maybe ever

  4. Hahaha I laughed so hard. That's what they get for promoting this kind of garbage.

  5. I'd get a fucking heart attack if that happened while I was in the audience. He could have caused a lot more damage though, I'm sure.

  6. "... and by china shop I mean critical, vital organs."
